Thursday, July 15, 2010

Six Social Media Sins

  1. What is the main idea of this article?
  2. According to this article (particularly at mistake no. 4 Not listening), what does two-way dialogue means?
  3. According to this article (particularly at mistake no. 3- Thinking you are in control), what we can't control? Why do you think we can't control it?
  4. In your opinion, what should we do whenever we receive bad comments? How can we deal with it?
  5. According to this article (particularly at mistake no. 6 - Not knowing your audience), why is it important to know or set our target audience?
  6. Based on your experience, how can we identify our target customers?
  7. What is or are the most common and popular social media tool or tools in your country?
    Why do you think they are popular or appealing to people?
  8. How about the company that you are working for, are you also using social media tools? What are the social media tools that you use? Are they effective in increasing your company's sales? How do your company manage these tools? Is it difficult to manage based on your observation? Why?
  9. Do you think social media tools are important for Business? Why?
  10. What are the advantages of using social media tools for business?
  11. What are the disadvantages of using social media tools for business?
  12. As a consumer, do you think it is helpful if the company who manufactured the product that you bought created social media tools? Why?

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